Back on Track
The Back on Track offer
Back on Track helps participants overcome the barriers they face and develop the skills and attributes they need to move on successfully to a job, apprenticeship or further education and training. It offers a comprehensive programme of wraparound support and bespoke training including:
One-to-one mentoring and coaching
Personal development support – self-confidence and communication
Pastoral, welfare, and social support
Counselling and mental health support
Support with development of workplace attributes - resilience, reliability, and team-working skills.
Peer support and networking
Careers advice and guidance
Targeted NEET Programme
Helping young people overcome barriers and reach their potential.
Back on Track supports NEET young people aged 16-24 from the north and east London areas, particularly focusing on those who live in the boroughs of Enfield and Waltham Forest. Our goal is to help them overcome barriers and sustainably progress to a job, apprenticeship or further education, setting them on track to a fulfilling and successful career.
This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. UK Shared Prosperity Fund webpage
‘The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit’
Fund. Back on Track focuses on supporting NEET young people who face barriers to progression including:
Looked after children or care leavers
Those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
Those involved in substance misuse and/or criminal activity
Young carers
Those with special education needs or a disability (SEN)
Health issues, including mental health
In delivering its provision, Back on Track will work in partnership and close collaboration with agencies and community organisations who support young people who are dealing with these issues.
Vocational exploration and tasters
Job coaching, CV building and interview skills
Work experience opportunities.
Support with applications for apprenticeship, work, and further education opportunities.
In-work benefits calculation and advice
Personal budgeting and money management
Enrichment activities e.g. team building excursions
Continued “aftercare” support to participants who progress to an employment, education, or training destination.
Participants will be allocated a personal mentor who will work with them in identifying their barriers to progression and provide them with end-to-end support during their time on the programme. They will access a bespoke package of provisions tailored to meet their individual needs.
Participants must be aged 16-24, NEET and resident in one of London’s North and East sub-regions. They need to provide some evidence of belonging to one of the targeted NEET groups identified above. First Rung will be happy to provide further guidance and help in this matter to organisations referring clients to the programme.
For more information or to refer candidates to Back on Track:
Contact: Beverley Woodhouse on 07805 980150 /
Enfield Centre: 020 8803 4764